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Keloids Prevention And New Researches
 by: Martha Fitzharris

Gone are the days when ear piercing was considered as an effeminate ritual. Today’s fashion seems to be transforming the way ear piercing is perceived. This should not come as a surprise because ear piercing is a universal practice even during the primitive times.

An article published in a scientific magazine indicates that individuals who were ear-pierced before the age of 11 showed low chances of developing keloids. A keloid is a kind of scar characterized by a formation of thick, red-brown fibrous tissue at the site of injury. The difference with a normal scar is that keloids are highly pigmented and are slightly raised while normal scar tissues aren’t.

Constructing age categories provides valuable details about the rate of keloid development among ear-pierced individuals. A predictable trend in keloid growth was documented on the following age groups: 1 to 10, 11 to 18 and 19 above. 22.2% among children who had their ear-pierced between age 1 and 10 developed such blemishes, while the figure increases as the age advance. Those who have undergone ear-piercing between 11 and 18 shows a dramatic 83.3% increase in scar tissue development. An irregular figure of 66.7% turnout appears on subjects who were at least 19 years of age and 25% for infants during which ear piercing was conducted.

Although some observations remain inconclusive, it can be assumed that the earlier the incision was made, the more that the body is able to cope up with the damage and restructure the proteins that were displaced and restore its previous physical appearance.

The reason for this fast healing process is that young people have young skin cells that actively replace the old and damaged ones at a more rapid pace than an old person. As people mature, there seems to be a slower Elastin and collagen fiber output in their skin. That’s why scars and other skin blemishes brought about by injury or accidents becomes even more prominent at old age, since the skin gradually loses its elasticity.

As most keloids are painful, itchy and grossly unfashionable, there are several treatments that have the purpose of diminishing the symptoms of this condition and also lighten the scar to make it more like the surrounding normal tissue.

BIO SKIN CARE cream is a topical cosmetic product which not only diminishes the characteristic color pattern of keloids but also helps the body in its self-rejuvenating properties.

It contains biological activators that signal the body’s natural healing process as you were 10 years old. This substance along with the body’s natural healing power reduces the blemish’s visibility overall.

This revolutionary product works for all types of keloids, severity and depth. NO matter how long you have been languishing on that disturbing keloids, the benefits you will gain from the charismatic usage of this product will surely lessen, if not completely remove, that insightful scar away.

Many treatments are available for use in the removal of scar, including surgical removal and laser treatments. But, in many cases they are so invasive that they lately develop in a huger Keloid than was removed.

With these in mind, doctors are now recommending to conduct ear piercing at a younger age in order to minimize the chances of developing some form of keloid scars, and encourage the use of effective topical keloid removing products such as BIO CARE SKIN CARE cream which was effectively formulated to keep that disfiguring keloids away.

About The Author

Martha Fitzharris is a free lance journalist for a website offering a new biological natural skin care product that activates skin renewal for a healthy skin.

This article was posted on February 21, 2006


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