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The Scent of a Woman
 by: Mike Yeager

The scent of a woman can be one of her most appealing features. Hairstyle, clothes and makeup are all important, but the fragrance a woman wears provides a level of attractiveness that few other fashion features can touch. There's something about the scent of a woman that makes her stand out and get noticed by men, and what woman doesn't want that? Are you shy and quiet? Are you bold, outgoing and flirtatious? Well, the scent you decide to use will tell people a lot about your personality, before they even get a chance to talk to you.

The Scent of a Woman is enhanced by her personality.

Every woman wants to feel attractive, confident and appealing. One of the interesting features of perfume, and especially how it's fragrance enhances the scent of a woman is this: different perfumes will react differently on each person. A fragrance is a blend of extracts, alcohol and water that is characterized by the ratio of its different ingredients. Who you are and what your personality is like will impact how each of these ingredients respond to your mood and character. Yes, the scent of a woman can be one of the most alluring and attractive features of your style.

About The Author

Mike Yeager

This article was posted on June 29, 2004


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